Walking the Path of the Heart – Full Day Healing Ceremony
Ragnar Johnsen is een unieke wisdomkeeper uit Noorwegen. Hij reist voor zijn teachings regelmatig door Europa en is betrokken bij meerdere gatherings met andere wisdomkeepers uit de hele wereld. Zo is hij al jaren betrokken bij de KIVA-gatherings in Nederland en Duitsland. In zijn teachings brengt hij alles terug tot de wijsheid van het hart. Hij maakt daarbij gebruik van de runen (een van de oudste symbolen/alfabetten in de wereld), sjamanen drum, kristallen en helende liederen. We zijn erg blij dat we te gast zijn in de prachtige Soefitempel in de duinen van Katwijk aan Zee. De ceremonie is in het Engels.
Full Day Healing Ceremony
I am happy to invite you for a full day of receiving the medicines of the Heart. A complete healing experience for body, mind and spirit. A journey of meeting the runes and the wisdom that they carry. Meeting the energies of our brothers and sisters from the mineral kingdom. Traveling to the beat of the drum and sharing with you songs of healing. A journey for centering, healing and reconnecting to your true self. A journey of love, bringing you home, home to your heart. The most beautiful thing about doing intuitive workshops and ceremonies is that never two are the same and I never know what will happen and how they will take form. You will have a new experience, a new journey each time you take part in these ceremonies. I love this feeling of stepping in to the unknown. Centering in the heart and trusting in the creative powers of the unknown, the great mystery. Allowing the needs of each and one of us to give form to the field of energy in which we will be moving. What I do know, is that each time healing takes place and moments of realizations and understanding is reached, as love lifts to the surface all that needs to be healed, always a beautiful co-creation, always finding its own specific form for healing. We learn how to better understand ourselves, and the journey we are here to do. We learn how to listen to our heart and be guided by our inner voice. Finding a greater inner peace and advancing on our path. I invite you to share from your heart and give a chance for light to shine on something that is important for “you”. Sharing outspoken or just shared as a focused attention. I am there as a canal to contribute for change, growth and healing to take place. The ceremonies will be held in a crystal portal where we will meet with the healing energies of our dear brothers and sisters from the mineral kingdom. We will journey in our inner landscapes as well as practice a heart meditation called “One minute a day”. The runes will share their wisdom as well as I will answer questions and shine light on issues related to your personal journeys. “Love lifts to surface all that needs to be healed”.
Ragnar Johnsen
Aanvang: Zaterdag 3 december, 10:00 uur tot 18:00 uur, inloop 9:30 uur
Organisatie: Godert Verbiest
Locatie: Universel Mural Hassil
Aanmelden: Godert Verbiest, godertverbiest@gmail.com, 06-81911463
Kosten: € 133,-
De ceremonie is in het Engels.
Meer info op facebook, Ragnar Johnsen