Guided meditation with Marion Boon
Marion Boon – Holographic Regression therapist and Trainer. Initiator of IPARRT- the Amazing ART, applications of Regression and Reincarnation Therapy. International teacher for TASSO institute and Academy Mensics®.
On the double dates of 8/8, 9/9, 11/11 and 12/12 Marion will conduct an intensive guided meditation in the excellent location of the Sufi Temple in Katwijk. With a live audience performing the exercises in concentrated practice, the satsang will be shaped around music and guided meditations. A group of international colleagues and energy-workers will be present through the e-waves of internet; they anchor, support and spread the intentions over and onto all parts of the world. These times, where a spiritual clash is raging, ask for our active conscious involvement at a deeper and higher level in the development of true Human Potential. This is a satsang for authentic connection, where divine creation will be remembered and celebrated. There are a few places available for the good souls who wish to actively be involved in this mission to address and transform old negative programs into fresh potential and positive energy for the Now and the immediate future of free humanity. There will be a core talk by spiritual geopolitical analyst Ruben, accompanied by the frequencies of Walther’s didgeridoo.
Contribute by participating from the heart. The light in me greets the light in you.
Practical: timing from 1.15 till 4.15 pm. Entrance: 15 euro.
Ps on 10/10 the satsang will take place in Centre Panta Rei near Hamburg.
Aanvang: Maandag 12 december, 13:15 uur tot 16:15 uur
Organisatie: Marion Boon, MENSICS INSTITUUT
Locatie: Universel Mural Hassil
Aanmelden:, 0181-322050
Kosten: € 15,- (per keer)
Alleen toegang na bevestiging ivm maximale aantal deelnemers.
Deze Satsang wordt ook op 8/8, 9/9 en 11/11 in de Universel gehouden.