Celebration 100 years ‘Murad Hassil’ – Livestream
We would like to invite you to a special celebration in the Universel on Sunday 25 September via Livestream
The reason is that this month it is 100 years ago that Hazrat Inayat Khan, bringer of the Sufi message of Love, Harmony and Beauty had a very special experience here in the dunes of Katwijk. A second reason is the anniversary of the Universel itself. It was completed in 1970, so 2020 was meant to be the year to celebrate the 50th anniversary. Due to corona that was cancelled, so we include that milestone now too. It will be a program with a lot of music (including Thijs van Leer, founder and band leader of the once world famous rock group FOCUS), short speeches by the leaders of the five international universal Sufi organizations and a short Informal Service.
Exactly hundred years ago there was a Summer School in Katwijk led by Pir-O-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan, during which period he had his most important life changing experience in ‘Murad Hassil’. During that Summer School in Katwijk he spoke every day about the same two topics: “The Inner Life” and “The Problem of the Day”. For our celebration of September 25th, we have chosen this last theme. What Inayat Khan told his students in September 1922 is still surprisingly topical today, 100 years later. The Pirs of the 5 Sufi Tariqas have been asked to give their view on this topic today.
The ‘live’ broadcast can be viewed via this YouTube link.
We very much hope you will be able to be part of this important celebration by joining in from a distance online.
1.50 PM
(start livestream)
2.00 PM
Start program:
Chairman Elmer Koole opens the meeting
Music: Thijs van Leer (+ choir): Dona Nobis Pacem’ (T. van Leer)
2.10 PM
Opening statements by representatives of 5 Sufi Organizations
– Message from Pir Zia, S.M. Mahmood Khan and Mda. Saki Lee (video)
Theme: “The problem of the Day” (Inayat Khan)
– Pir Shabda Kahn (video)
– Pir Elias Amidon (video)
– Kadir Troelstra
– Pir Nawab Pasnak
2.40 PM
Music: Thijs van Leer:
– ‘Moving Waves’ (T. van Leer/H. Inayat Khan)
– ‘Pater Noster’ (music: T. van Leer)
2.45 PM
‘Informal Service’
with a sermon on ‘Fulfilment’ by Pir Nawab Pasnak (Pir of the International Sufi Movement)
3.35 PM
Music: Tammo Heikens (sitar)
– starting with “Khatum” in the form of a song
3.50 PM
Chairman Elmer Koole closes the meeting
Music: Thijs van Leer (+ ALL): ‘Dona Nobis Pacem’ (T. van Leer)
4.00 PM
End of program